The Trafford Health and Social Care Rapid Pathway MDT supports people when they leave the hospital for another care setting.
An initial assessment will be carried out with a care plan that focuses on helping people return home.
The multi-disciplinary team is made up of a social worker, a social care assessor, a nurse, a physiotherapist, and an occupational therapist.
Our aim is to support the patient in their journey out of placement, optimising opportunities for long-term care or discharge.
We can support anyone over the age of 18, who lives in Trafford or is registered with a Trafford GP, and gives their consent.
The service assists with the Discharge to Assess pathway when a patient is transferred to a community-bed setting, like a care home.
Following a patient’s transfer from the hospital, a comprehensive assessment will be carried out the next working day. This will most likely be in community-bed setting, like a care home.
After the assessment is completed, we will support you in returning home and managing care until recovery. Help may include providing equipment to maximise your independence at home, or arranging physiotherapy and other visits.
Should 24 hour care be required, we can help arrange this.
The Rapid MDT service works Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Referrals can be made outside of these hours.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm.
The team support people transferring from acute care to our Discharge to Access (DtA) bed-based placements. Referral is automatic on acceptance into a Trafford DtA placement.
Service Information
The service assists patients transferring from acute care to our Discharge to Access (DtA) bed-based placements. After a referral is accepted and a care home is found, the site will be notified to arrange ambulance transport for date and destination.
Please note: Referral is automatic on acceptance into a Trafford DtA placement.
How to refer
We accept referrals from Integrated Discharge Teams at our four sites (Salford Royal, Manchester Royal, Wythenshawe and Trafford General) as well as staff on acute wards.
You can refer to the service by completing a Greater Manchester Discharge to Assess (DtA) referral form and sending it to our urgent care control team.
Please click here to download the referral form [Word doc approx xxxKB]
Information last reviewed: September 2023