We are a team of qualified Speech and Language Therapists and Speech and Language Therapy assistants who assess, diagnose and treat children (from birth to 18 years old) who have speech, language and communications needs and feeding difficulties.
The team can offer support in a variety of places, including nurseries, clinics, and mainstream and special schools.
To support children’s speech, language, communication needs and feeding difficulties.
The service supports children and young people with swallowing/ feeding difficulties and/ or speech, language and communication needs in Trafford in order for them to reach their full potential, improve health and wellbeing and prepare for adulthood. Patients must have a Trafford GP. (We will see some children with a Manchester GP who attend a Trafford School)
We also provide a dysfluency service for adults.
The service:
- Provides a full assessment and accurate diagnosis of the child’s swallowing/ feeding difficulties and/ or speech, language and communication needs, by a qualified Speech and Language Therapist
- Provides an appropriate treatment plan that meets their needs
- Liaises with other professionals involved, to work holistically in improving the child’s outcomes.
Contact information
Children’s Speech & Language Therapy
1st Floor
Sale Waterside
M33 7ZF
Phone: 0161 912 2592
Email: mft.csltnoreply@nhs.net
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Social Media
Facebook: www.facebook.com/traffordchildrensSLT
Twitter: www.twitter.com/TraffordSLT
Instagram: www.instagram.com/traffordchildrensslt
We accept referrals from the child’s parents/ carers and other professionals involved with the child.
For early year’s children, we require a WellComm assessment and TASS (Trafford Assessment of Speech Sounds).
For school age children, we are asking schools to complete a Primary WellComm assessment and evidence-targeted interventions that have been in place.
We have a pre-referral advice line for families and professionals to discuss possible referrals: 07917 264 975
Preschool: Wednesdays 9am to 11am
School age: Tuesdays 9am to 11am
Service Information
The service specialises in children’s speech, language, communication needs and feeding difficulties. We are part of the Integrated Complex Needs team within TLCO and Trafford Council.
How to refer
We accept referrals from the child’s parents/ carers and other professionals involved with the child.
For early year’s children we require a WellComm assessment and TASS (Trafford Assessment of Speech Sounds).
For school age children, we are asking schools to complete a Primary WellComm assessment and evidence targeted interventions that have been in place.
We have a pre-referral advice line for families and professionals to discuss possible referrals: 07917 264 975
Preschool: Wednesdays 9am to 11am
School age: Tuesdays 9am to 11am
Phone: 0161 912 2592
Email: mft.csltnoreply@nhs.net