Trafford Early Development Service (TEDS)

Trafford Early Development Service (TEDS) are a team of health professionals; Specialist Health Visitors and Nursery Nurses. We are an early intervention service, supporting preschool children with delayed development/special educational needs or disability (SEND) and their families. We are a Portage Service. We support with play and development, health needs and coordination of care. TEDS predominantly support children and their families at home but may also see children in their preschool settings.

TEDS aims to support children to develop their full potential and to participate as fully as possible in family life, preschool setting and wider community.

TEDS support preschool children with significant developmental delay, who have a Trafford GP. (If children are already supported by Trafford SENAS team or attending specialist school nursery they will not be accepted for TEDS support.) We are a non-emergency service.

TEDS provide; assessment and monitoring of development; coordination of care – arranging Team around the child meetings as needed. We provide Portage play sessions at home to help parents to develop skills and strategies to support their child’s development.

Contact information

Trafford Early Development Service (TEDS)
1st Floor
Sale Waterside
M33 7ZF

Phone:  0161 912 5108

Sian Williams TEDS Team Leader/Specialist Health Visitor on 0796 677 8911 (Monday – Friday)
Or Julie Keegan TEDS Specialist Health Visitor on 0797 735 2199 (Monday – Thursday)

Opening hours

TEDS are available Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm excluding bank holidays.

How to refer

We accept referrals form the health visiting service and other health professionals and from early years settings.
(When settings refer we would advise that they inform the child’s health visiting team of the referral.)

TEDS Referral Form [Word Doc, 199KB]

Please send referrals to

Information last reviewed: September 2024