Providing your NHS Community Health Care & Adult Social Care Services in Trafford Trafford LCO

Children’s Therapy Service – Physiotherapy

Trafford Children’s Therapy is a combined physiotherapy and occupational therapy team. We provide high quality holistic therapy assessments, treatments, advice and care to babies, children and young people with complex and additional needs.

Our aim is to improve your child’s movement and function in daily activities, including play, learning and socialising, so they can achieve their full potential and stay healthy.

We work closely with partner agencies to provide safe, coordinated care, which focuses on your child’s needs.

We’re based at Sale Waterside but also work in a variety of settings including schools, nurseries, clinics and the child’s home.

Click on the tabs below to find out more about our team and the different parts of our service.

We support babies and young children, 0 to reception age (usually 4 years), who are referred to our preschool physiotherapist with a variety of physical difficulties. We provide physiotherapy to children, aged four (reception) to 18 years, who have a long term medical, neurological or oncological condition. We also support children who have had an orthopaedic operation in hospital.

Our team is made up of paediatric physiotherapists and therapy assistants.
Paediatric physiotherapists have specialist knowledge in normal child development, and the wide range of childhood conditions that can affect development as well as the different treatments available.
Every therapist is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council. We work within and follow the codes of practice set out by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Many of our physiotherapists are also registered with the Association of Paediatric Physiotherapists.

With your consent, we provide bespoke, specialist assessment for children who are referred to us.

The type of treatment, how often your child is seen and any aids or equipment we can offer will depend on their needs. You can find out more about this and our service offer in the other tabs below.

Some children may only need therapy in the short term while others need support for longer.

We can also offer advice and training for you, carers and educational staff to help you contribute to the delivery of your child’s care.

We can also contribute to specific reports about your child’s health, such as reports for medical professionals, education healthcare (EHC) plans and written programmes for schools and families.

We support babies and young children, 0 to reception age (usually 4 years), who are referred to our preschool physiotherapist with a variety of physical difficulties.

This can include developmental delay, specific syndromes, neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy, unusual gait variation, and neuromuscular conditions.


Once we receive a referral (see referral tab) we will contact you by telephone or letter to arrange an appointment. We will see your child in a variety of settings, this may include at home, in a clinic, at nursery or school.


At the first few appointments we will assess your child and discuss with you what treatment or therapy we think would help. We will support you as a family throughout the process.


Physiotherapy treatment may involve movement programmes, teaching you handling and therapeutic techniques and recommending equipment for your child, depending on their needs.

Your child may have individual sessions at home or may be invited to join a group session (a land session or hydrotherapy).

Working together

We will work closely with you, your family and carers to show you the activities and exercises that will help your child’s development, based on their needs.

It’s important that your child carries out their exercise programme on a daily basis to maximise their potential.

Please let us know if your child is due to attend a hospital appoinment as it may be possible for us to attend or send a report.

Working with others

We work closely with colleagues in health, education and social care to provide the best care. This may include community paediatricians, health visitors, Trafford early development service (TEDS) and nursery staff.  We will gain your consent if we feel they need to be referred to other agencies.


We work closely with the special educational needs advisory service (SENAS) to support your child as they move into a nursery or school setting.

Useful leaflets

Your therapist may direct you to some these following leaflets, which should only be used with the advice given:

We provide physiotherapy to children, aged four (reception) to 18 years, who have a long term medical, neurological or oncological condition. We also support children who have had an orthopaedic operation in hospital.

This information is for children who attend mainstream schools, if your child attends a special school please see the tab below.


Once we receive a referral you will be contacted by letter or phone to arrange an appointment, this may be at home or in a clinic setting. See the referrals tab for more information.


We will get your consent to carry out and assessment of your child’s needs and you, or another guardian will need to present during the assessment.

We will discuss the most appropriate therapy with you and your child, then we will come up with a plan that best meets your child’s needs.


We can provide education and advice, and exercises to improve range of movement, strength, stamina, balance and coordination.

This may include a home programme of exercises, a school visit, and invite to join a land-based group or water-based sessions in a hydrotherapy pool.

We also have access to a multigym which has a range of equipment such as treadmills, bikes, rowing machines and hydraulic weight machines.

Working together with you

Your child’s therapy needs to be part of their daily life in order to work effectively, so any programmes should be carried out at home on a regular basis.

Please inform us of any upcoming hospital or clinic appointments so we can liaise with other medical professionals, where required.

If you can’t attend an appointment with us, please let us know so we can offer the slot to another child.

We are there to help you and your child, if you are unsure of what you are being asked to do please talk to your therapist. If you are struggling with any aspect of your child’s management let us know and we will support and guide you.

Working with others

We work closely with a range of other professionals in health, education and social care.

Preparation for adulthood

We can support the transition of your child into secondary school and if needed further education. We will work closely with special educational needs advisory service in order to do this.

Once your child turns 18 years of age they will no longer be seen by our service, but they can access physiotherapy through their GP.

This area of our service is for children who attend one of the special schools in Trafford: Pictor, Delamere, The Orchards or Brentwood Secondary School.

We see and treat children who have a specific physical difficulty.


Your child may already been known to us when they transition to one of the special schools, so we will arrange a meeting so their new therapist can introduce themselves.

If your child is new to the school or comes from out of area, they will need to be referred to us. Please see the referral tab for more information.


This generally takes place within the school setting.

Before the assessment we will contact you to get your consent, to discuss any needs your child has and to work towards any aims you have for them.

During assessments we will review your child’s motor skills, posture, muscle tone, functional skills and any specialist equipment.


After the assessment we may recommend an exercise programme or a positioning programme.

An exercise programme is individual or group sessions and activities, either on land or in the water (hydrotherapy).

A positioning programme will be designed by us and carried out by you, other carers and school staff. It may include the use of specialist equipment, such as wedges, side lyer, corner seat, stander, sleep systems, supportive seating, working alongside an occupational therapist.

Working together

We can visit you at home to discuss your child’s therapy programme, give advice on activities and assist in the assessment or review of home equipment along with an occupational therapist.

You can contact your child’s therapist at any time if you have any specific concerns, such as concerns with equipment.

Please let us know if your child is due to attend a consultant appointment (e.g.orthopaedic, paediatrician), as it may be possible for us to send a report if there are specific concerns.

Working with others

We work very closely with staff at the schools to make sure the exercise or positioning programme is carried out daily by everyone involved in their care.

Preparation for adulthood

Once your child turns 19 years they will move on to adult services. If your child has an educational health care (EHC) plan, this will be included to make sure the transition is smooth and successful.

Your child will also be able to access physiotherapy through their GP.


You can contact your therapist directly on their work mobile, through the main office, through the home/school book or by telephoning the school (see contact info tab).

All of our therapists have had additional training and completed an accredited course on the importance of 24 hour postural care as part of your child’s therapy.

What is postural care?

Postural care is important for all children who have a physical disability.

It aims to look after your child’s body shape to prevent deformity and discomfort as they grow. It’s not only about doing exercises and stretching, but also using equipment to protect the shape they have from birth.

Postural Care is a central part of life at home and school. There are 8,760 hours in a year and on average your child will spend approximately 1,140 hours at school and 7,620 hours at home, of which 3,600 of those hours are spent in bed.

Night time positioning can be the most effective way of protecting body shape.

Postural care pathway

We focus on:

1. Identifying children and young people most at risk

2. Teaching you how to analyse your child’s posture

3. Assessment: Using a standardised assessment of body symmetry your physiotherapist can measure changes in your child’s body shape.

4. Night time equipment: This may be supplied and we will work with you to ensure it meets your child’s needs as they grow. It’s important, as with any therapy programme or equipment, that the night time positioning systems are used every night to ensure continuity and effective care.

What are the risks of not doing postural care?

The long term implications of not carrying out good positioning may include:

  • Risk of hip and spine problems
  • Restriction in range of movement
  • Chest problems
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Deformity of spines and hips
  • Pressure area problems
  • Sleep disturbance

Lying straight helps you sit straight, stand straight and stay straight. Please discuss 24 hour positioning with your child’s therapist.

Paediatric musculoskeletal physiotherapy focuses on the assessment of children, aged 5 to 17 years, 9 months, with the following:

  • Fractures
  • Growth-related conditions – e.g. Osgood Schlatters Disease
  • Sports injuries
  • General muscle and joint aches and pain


We will consider the effect of your child’s condition on their every day life, including schooling and their ability to take part in P.E., sports and hobbies.

Please bring appropriate clothing for your child (e.g. shorts or a vest top), as they may be asked to undress so we can complete their assessment.

Treatment may include:

  • Advice and education
  • Exercises to improve strength, balance and muscle length
  • Pain management advice
  • Referral to podiatry services
  • A referral back to your GP for further investigations or consultant review, where appropriate

As part of your child’s therapy programme, they may have been assessed for and issued with specialised equipment. Please look after the equipment, it;s the property of the NHS. If it’s well maintained we can re-issue it, where appropriate.

We ask that you:

  • Ensure equipment is set up by your therapist (you can then access the user guidelines on the manufacturer’s website, which is recommend).
  • Check equipment regularly
  • Report faults or concerns to us (missing parts, if it doesn’t meet needs, if adjustments are needed, or if it’s not being used)
  • Don’t allow others (including professionals) to alter the equipment, unless they’ve been trained by one of our team

You may have been shown how to carry out some adjustments to the equipment, but if you’re unsure please contact your therapist.

If you wish to take your child’s equipment home from school over holiday period, then this has to be discussed with your therapist and you’ll need suitable transport.

When your child moves into adult services, some equipment can go with them but some may have to be returned (e.g. standing frame).

Returning equipment

If you wish to return any equipment, please contact your therapist. It can often be picked up or dropped off at one stop resource centre by prior appointment.

If anything happens to your child and you’d like us to collect the equipment, please contact us.

Let us know if you’re moving out of area, as we’ll have to discuss returning equipment and next steps with you.

Mobility provision

We can liaise with the specialised ability centre (SAC) if your child needs a mobility aid such as a specialist buggy or wheelchair.​​​​

We accept referrals for all children and young people, aged 0 to 18 years (19 if in a special school), registered with a Trafford GP.

For our musculoskeletal (MSK) service, our age range is up to 17 years 9 months.

New patients need to be referred by an NHS health professional. This includes GPs, health visitors, school nurses, allied health professionals and school nurses.

Once the referral is received it will be triaged and given a priority (low, medium or high). Then it will be assigned to a physiotherapist, who will contact you to make an appointment.

We aim to see all new patients within 18 weeks.

Depending on the child and their needs this appointment may be at home or in a clinic.

It’s essential that you, as a parent or carer, are present with your child at their initial assessment.

Contact information

Children’s Therapy Service – Physiotherapy
1st Floor
Sale Waterside
M33 7ZF

Phone: 0161 912 4495

All therapists can be contacted via the office, or their work mobiles if you know your therapist and have their number. You can also contact your therapist directly at the special schools, if appropriate (see below).

Address and contact numbers for special schools

Pictor School
Grove Lane
WA15 6PH
Phone: 0161 912 3081

Delamere School
Irlam Road
M41 6AP
Phone: 0161 747 5893

Brentwood School
Cherry Lane
M33 4GY
Phone: 0161 905 2371 Extension 218

The Orchards School
Audley Avenue
M32 9TG
Phone: 0161 748 0670

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Answer machine available outside the above hours.

Social Media 


We love to get your feedback.

If you have any worries or concerns about the service you are receiving please speak with your child’s therapist in the first instance. If your queries aren’t resolved then our team leader will be happy to help.

If you’re still unsatisfied then our patient advice and liaison service can help to raise this formally as a complaint. Click here to find out more.

If you think we’ve done a good job of looking after your child, then please let us know by contacting our compliments team. Click here to find out more.

You can also complete the Family and Friends Test here.

Service Information

Trafford Children’s Therapy is a combined physiotherapy and occupational therapy team. We provide high quality holistic therapy assessments, treatments, advice and care to babies, children and young people with complex and additional needs.

How to refer

We accept referrals for all children and young people, aged 0 to 18 years (19 if in a special school), registered with a Trafford GP.
For our musculoskeletal (MSK) service our age range is up to 17 years 9 months.

New patients need to be referred by an NHS health professional. This includes GPs, health visitors, school nurses, allied health professionals and school nurses.  We can’t accept any referrals without a fully completed referral form (see below).

Making a referral

All referrals need to be emailed to Please note this is for referrals only and there are no replies from this address.

Referrals can also be posted to the Sale Waterside address (see contact details).

Click here for the referral form.

Referrals we can’t accept

Unfortunately we can’t accept these referrals:

  • For children presenting with respiratory issues
  • Directly from education staff, social services or from a parent (if it is an initial referral)
  • Children and young people who live in Trafford but have a GP out of area

What happens next?

Once the referral is received it will be triaged and given a priority (low, medium or high). Then it will be assigned to a physiotherapist, who will contact you to make an appointment.

We aim to see all new patients within 18 weeks.

Depending on the child and their needs this appointment may be at home or in a clinic.

It’s essential that you, as a parent or carer, are present with your child at their initial assessment.

Phone: 0161 912 4495

Information last reviewed: September 2022