Providing your NHS Community Health Care & Adult Social Care Services in Trafford Trafford LCO

Perinatal Health Visiting

Trafford Perinatal Parent and Infant Mental Health (Health Visiting) Trafford’s Health Visiting Service offers an evidence based listening/support service for women in the perinatal period (pre and post childbirth).

Service users are offered a comprehensive assessment and a package of listening visits at a mutually convenient location, using a holistic approach that always keeps the parent and infant relationship in mind

To offer an evidence based listening/support service for women in the perinatal period (pre and post childbirth).

We offer support to anyone who is experiencing symptoms of depression, low mood or anxiety which meet the Trafford Perinatal Maternal and Infant Mental Health Pathway’s criteria for extra support.

An approved assessment tool such as the EPDS (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale) is used to inform assessments.

Women are offered a comprehensive assessment and a package of listening visits at a mutually convenient location, using a holistic approach; always having the parent and infant relationship in mind.

Mothers can also attend the Baby & Me parent and infant mental health group run by Health Visitors and facilitated by the Specialist Health Visitor for Parent and Infant Mental Health. There is a supportive weekly Parent and Infant Mental Health drop in offering easy access to and facilitated by the Health Visitor for Parent and infant mental health. Fathers are very welcome at the drop in.

Where appropriate women are referred on and ‘stepped up’ to other agencies.

Parents and infants are also supported to experience positive parent-infant interactions, to promote sensitive and responsive early relationships by use of NBO (Neonatal Behavioural Observation) and are referred for NBAS (Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale) where concerns are expressed. Parents are encouraged to use the ‘Getting it right from the start – Understanding your baby’ resource.

Contact information

Perinatal Health Visiting
4th Floor
Sale Waterside
M33 7ZF

Phone: 07976 344 635

Opening hours

Wednesday to Friday, 8am to 4pm.

Drop in: Fridays 10am- 12pm — The Life Centre, 235 Washway Road, Sale, M33 4BP

Service Information

Trafford Perinatal Parent and Infant Mental Health (Health Visiting) Trafford’s Health Visiting Service offers an evidence based listening/support service for women in the perinatal period (pre and post childbirth) who experience symptoms of depression, low mood or anxiety.

How to refer

  • Self referral
  • GP
  • Health professional
  • Social care professional

Phone: 07976 344 635

Information last reviewed: July 2023