Safeguarding Children

The Trafford Safeguarding Team work to keep children and young people safe from abuseĀ and neglect, enabling them to live healthy and well prepared for adult life.

We are co-located with the Multi-Agency Referral and Assessment Service (MARAS) of Children and Families Wellbeing. With the assistance of other agencies and teams, the service works to strengthen safeguarding and improve outcomes for families and individuals.

It is a statutory duty under Section 11 of the Children Act 2004, Safeguarding Adults The Care Act 2014 to ensure that Trafford families receive services that best promote their safety and wellbeing.

Families in Trafford. Our team consists of a Named Nurse for Safeguarding, Children, Adults and Looked After Children, administrators and Specialist Practitioners for Safeguarding Families and Children in Care.

We work jointly with partner agencies on the development and delivery of safeguarding children and adult training and supervision, as well as contributing to various multi agency partnerships such as the subgroups of Trafford Strategic Safeguarding Board.

Contact information

Trafford Safeguarding Families Team
Trafford Town Hall
Talbot Road
M32 0TH

Phone: 0161 912 4134

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Service Information

Trafford Safeguarding Families Team. We are co-located with the Multi-Agency Referral and Assessment Service (MARAS) of Children and Families Wellbeing.

How to refer

  • Self referral
  • GP
  • Health professional
  • Social care professional

Phone: 0161 912 4134

Information last reviewed: September 2022