Ascot House Intermediate Care

We provide short term interventions to people who are in an acute but stable condition, but are not fit for safe transfer home.

The integrated team take an outcomes-focused approach to enable people to return to their home safely. This is based on the NICE guidelines for IMC and takes into account the role of the whole team rather than just therapy.

We provide adult rehabilitation to people over the age of 18 registered with a Trafford GP. All referrals will be considered and triaged in line with the criteria of the service.

We enable patients to return to their own home safely. The team includes Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Patient Support Workers, Social Care Assessors, Social Workers, Doctors, District Nurses. The unit is managed by Trafford Council.

Contact information

Ascot House
Ascot Avenue
M33 4GT

Phone: 0161 962 0996
Email: &

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 8am to 4:30pm.

Social Media 


Visitor parking available for free at the back of the building.

Service Information

Short term therapy input for people who are medically fit to leave hospital but not safe to manage at home to enable them to return to their own home safely.

How to refer

Referrals via Trafford Single Point of Access (SPOA)

  • Tel: 0300 323 0303
  • Email:
  • Mail referrals via SPOA, Meadway Health Centre, Sale M33 4PS

General enquiries about referrals can be made to the team from professionals via 0161 912 4413.

Page last reviewed: February 2024
Next review due: February 2025