We provide high quality dietetic and nutritional support to residents in Trafford.
The service can offer support for a number of dietetic and nutritional needs including malnutrition, digestive disorders, enteral feeding, food intolerances and weight management in a clinical or home setting.
- Diabetes – X-pert diabetes group is available
- Dietary assessment
- Digestive disorders
- Enteral feeding
- Food intolerances / allergies
- Malnutrition / underweight
- Palliative care
- Stroke / neuro disabilities
- Weight Management – Trafford Lifestyle programme is available
1 in 10 older people are malnourished and this can have a big effect on health, mobility and wellbeing. Losing weight is not a normal part of ageing and with simple advice and support, weight loss and dehydration can often be prevented.
Leaflets are available here to raise awareness about the signs of malnutrition and dehydration and give advice and tips on how to start to treat these problems –
Help to identify and prevent malnutrition and dehydration:
Help for people losing weight and at risk of malnutrition:
You can also check whether you are at risk of malnutrition using this self-screening tool: www.malnutritionselfscreening.org
If you have tried to increase how much you eat and drink but still think you are losing weight, contact your GP or another health professional you are seeing. They will be able to give you advice and screen you for malnutrition. It may be that they will refer you to the dietitian for specialist support with eating and drinking.
- Palliative care
- Stroke / neuro disabilities
- Weight Management – Trafford Lifestyle programme is available
Clinics at Chapel Road Health Centre, Delamere Health Centre (adults only), Partington Health Centre, Limelight, Timperley Health Centre and Woodsend Clinic. Home treatment is available when clinically indicated.
Contact information
Timperley Health Centre
169 Grove Lane
WA15 6PH
Phone: 0300 323 0303
Email: tspoa1@nhs.net
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Social Media
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TraffordDietitians
To see a dietitian:
You will need to be referred by your GP or another health professional.
Parking Available.
Useful links:
- British Dietetic Association – Food fact sheets (for dietary information)
- British Dietetic Association – What is the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist
- North West Children’s Allergy Network
- NHS website
Service Information
Includes: X-pert diabetes group, dietary assessment, enteral feeding, food intolerances, malnutrition, weight management
Who can refer?
Nursing / Care Homes or health professionals . Referrals via Trafford Single Point of Access (SPOA)
How to refer
Referrals via Trafford Single Point of Access (SPOA)
- Tel: 0300 323 0303
- Email: tspoa1@nhs.net
- Mail referrals via SPOA, Meadway Health Centre, Sale M33 4PS
Referral Form (For nursing and care home residents) [Word doc, 211KB]
Referral Form (For all other professional referrals except enteral feeding) [Word doc, 210KB]
General enquiries about referrals can be made to the team from professionals via 0161 549 6880.
Acceptance criteria
Condition |
Referral Criteria |
Assessment for nutritional deficiencies
Coeliac Disease
Enteral Feeding
(adult and paediatric)
Food intolerance / allergy
(adult and paediatric) |
G.I. Problems Including constipation, diverticular disease |
Protein Energy Malnutrition (over 18 years) |
Faltering Growth |
Renal CKD
1-3 Stages
Unless for conservative management not under specialist team. |
Information last reviewed: February 2025