Tissue Viability Service

We are a nurse-led service that offer specialist support and advice to patients, carers and health care professionals on complex wound management and techniques.

Our aim is to support assessment and management of patients with acute, chronic and complex wounds.

We provide specialist clinical advice, support, education and training for Trafford healthcare professionals in the holistic assessment and management of patients with acute, chronic and complex wounds.

The Tissue Viability service is available for both adults and children.

The leg ulcer clinic ambulatory assess and manage patients with lower limb ulceration that are suitable for compression therapy.
We are aligned to the Chapel Road Leg Ulcer Clinic.

Contact information

Chapel Road Clinic
Chapel Road
M33 7EG

Phone: 0300 323 0303

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Service Information

Clinical advice, holistic assessment and management of patients with acute, chronic and complex wounds. This service is available for adults and children.

How to refer

Patients do not self-refer. Referrals to the service can be made by community teams such as Crisis Response as well as District Nurses and GPs. Please find a referral form below.

Tissue Viability Service Referral Form [PDF approx 246KB]

Tissue Viability Service Referral Form [Word Doc approx 45KB]

Should you need a copy of the referral form in any other format, please email communications@manchesterlco.org.