Wellbeing Counselling Service

The Macmillan Wellbeing Counselling Service offers support and one-to-one confidential counselling for patients and carers affected by the psychological and emotional impact of a cancer diagnosis.

The Wellbeing Counselling Service also offers bereavement counselling to adults experiencing difficulties following a bereavement from any cause.

  • We help adults struggling with a cancer diagnosis – patients, their partners, family members or carers who are currently supporting them.
  • Over 18’s only and living in Trafford or registered with a Trafford GP.

Counselling is a way of unburdening to a caring person who is professionally trained to listen and help. Even if it is not possible to change a situation, counselling may help to make sense of feelings, develop the ability to cope and feel more in control, feel supported and less isolated.

  • Clients can self refer, be referred by any healthcare or mental health professional, or by a family member/carer.
  • A referral form is available, or referrals can be made over the telephone
  • Clients are seen quickly at a time and date convenient to them.
  • Phone: 0161 746 2080

Contact information

Wellbeing Counselling Service
Macmillan Wellbeing Centre
Moorside Road (at the entrance to Trafford General Hospital)
M41 5SN

Phone: 0161 746 2080 (voicemail available)
Website: macmillancentretrafford.org

Opening hours

The Centre is open Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm, Friday 9am to 4.30pm.

Free parking for up to 3 hours is available across the Trafford General Hospital site.

Service Information

Counselling to adults who are: bereaved from any cause of death, or are experiencing difficulties following a diagnosis of cancer (patients & carers).

How to refer

Referrals via

  • Tel: 0161 746 2080

Information last reviewed: August 2022