Trafford One stop Resource Centre

New ordering and scheduling system for equipment requests

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This web page has been brought together to help update our community health colleagues and acute partners in relation to the new equipment and ordering system, ELMS2, for Trafford One Stop Resource Centre. As you will be aware, the centre supports people leaving hospital or who have a disability to live more independently at home. A decision has been made to replace the current system, CES360, and its paper-based request approach to create standardisation and a one-system approach for everyone.

You can find out more about the centre via their service page on our website.


ELMS2 planned go-live date

ELMS2 is planned to go live at 11:00am on Monday 18 September 2023.


Information for existing CES360 users

Before the planned go-live date, all Trafford community health teams and acute departments currently using CES360 will receive an email from ELMS2 containing information on how you can access the system. The email will include a link to the system itself as well as your username and password details. Please keep an eye out for this important email (can appear within your junk folder) and follow the instructions carefully within it as soon as it arrives. Once you have completed your account setup, you will be able to process any orders.

You may also wish to save the ELMS2 system link to your preferred web browser’s list of favourites if you regularly make requests. This will help with ease of access to the system.


CES360 downtime

To support the launch of ELMS2, there will be a period of downtime where you will be unable to access the existing system, CES360. This means that from 5:00pm on Thursday 14 September, you should refrain from logging in. Instead, please complete a paper-based request form (select from the list below) and return it to the One Stop Resource Centre team by email at

The paper-based request forms are:


Information for paper-based referrers

For anyone who currently makes equipment requests by paper, please note that you can continue to do so until the go-live date. After this time, if you share a paper request, you will be prompted to sign up for ELMS2 by the One Stop Resource Centre team to make future equipment orders. If you’d like to sign up in advance, then you can do so by selecting sign up button from the homepage of the site.


Support for staff

We realise that for some colleagues and partner staff, ELMS2 will be very new. Therefore, we have gathered the below resources that might be of help. This includes a frequently asked questions (FAQs) sheet that covers topics such as requesting system access and processing orders.



Further questions or queries

For any queries in relation to this project or to chase the status of an order, please contact the Trafford One Stop Resource Centre by email at

Alternatively, for questions about ELMS2, such as problems accessing the system or requesting a new user be added, please email